Wednesday, October 20, 2010

"Mystify, Amaze, and Confuse Your Friends!"

Video Credit: Youtube

According to this ad, the “amazing” Fushigi ball can be used by anyone. The spokesman approaches a multitude of people and ultimately draws them all to the “the magic gravity ball.” The ad has so much potential to appeal to a large audience—it is complete with cute little kids, examples of cleverly-named tricks, and a guy who enthusiastically exclaims, “It’s sick it’s so much fun I love it!” However, this commercial seems like a hilarious parody of itself. I enjoy watching the ad for its goofy acting and commentary, and not because I actually want to buy Fushigi.


  1. One of my friends ordered this after seeing this a few months's a shame and not even that cool.

  2. Oh~ you need A LOT of practice to do those tricks...that's all illusion.
