Thursday, November 11, 2010


Have you ever asked yourself why food looks so good on commercials or ads, but it doesn't look anything like that when you buy it? Here's the explanation how they do it. It isn't just Photoshop, but it's a whole crew behind the scenes that is actively involved in making burgers look perfect and tasty.

The first comment posted on was "My whole life has been a lie", and I'd like to answer to that comment saying, technically yes. There are so many people involved behind a product that sometimes is hard to make up our own minds about something because those people are manipulating us. They are people like us and they know what we like and what we want.

If you guys are interested to see more images about food, I found a great blog called "Food in Real life" where the author eats something (pretty much anything, from gum to microwaved food) and compares the picture of the product with the real image.

Courtesy of

1 comment:

  1. wow..... I didn't know that burgers went through a makeup like that. I knew a food stylist would design it, but I never knew that they cooked it for 20 seconds and pin it!
