Sunday, November 7, 2010

Ads that make you think

       Long time ago someone sent me an email with tons of ads against cigarettes, I thought they were very smart. They were the kind of ads that make you think. For instance, I thought that the ad where the kid is smoking was awful; however, if someone looks closely one can see that the child's hand is an adult's hand and it has to do with the fact that many adults smoke in front of their children and make them second hand smoker.

      The other ads were also very smart, they don't say "smoke is gonna kill you" like most of the ads against cigarettes, these ones make you think about other consequences of smoking because it seems that people don't care if they die sooner or not, they care about how they look like, and their consequences in society. I hope these images were as interesting as I though for most of the people because they make you think.

 Another interesting factor about cigarettes is that although they kill people slowly, they are an important part of the tax revenues in this country. In addition to taxes, cigarettes companies also pay a small percentage of their sales to the government because cigarettes make people sicker and increase health care. Do government care more about its revenues or about its citizens?

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