Monday, December 13, 2010

The Language of Marketing

At the beginning of this course we read an article about how marketers have us all figured out. Although, it is very sad to think this way, it is relatively true. There is some information about the human brain that marketers use for advertising purposes.  We associate colors with adjectives. For example, the color pink represents feminine ideals, while green symbolizes health, and black symbolizes luxury. As the graph shows ( there are other factors that affect consumers like time and brands. However, these resources are mostly visual because it is easier for our brains to assimilate and associate images with a product. Among other factors, time is crucial. Marketers want people to spend as much time as they can in a store, but not enough time to discourage them from returning.

Additionally, this link ( shows an informal poll taken by some students that displays the typical words used to advertise specific products. As you can see, the word healthy is used to describe food products, and good-looking is used for cosmetics. I thought it was interesting to see the adjectives marketers use to describe products. It seems to me that many of these adjectives were chosen at random because they are convenient and not because they actually embody these descriptions.

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