Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Beatles + iTunes

I was reading the NY Times this morning and one of the most popular articles of the day was about the new founded partnership between Apple and The Beatles (Which seems somewhat odd to say, considering only two of the four Beatles are still alive). Apple is now selling a complete Beatles album for around $150 on iTunes. I don't know whether to be happy because the younger generations can "discover" (if they haven't already) and access this great rock 'n roll music, or a little skeptical that Apple is just using one of the greatest bands of history to further increase revenue. Apple also made a minor comparison in one of their promo ads, stating "In 1964, they came to America. Now, they are on iTunes". I don't think you can compare the arrival of a British invasion band of the '60s to the arrival of their 40 year old classic songs on an online store.

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